Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Holiday round-up

Hey you, thanks for dropping in.
Here's some updates from the workshop.
This is a typical first view of my little workshop as I enter it, lotsa toys!

 Here's soapbox frame 2.0 under construction, and a good example of how my jigging bench gets used.

Below is a picture of some i.d. badges I've made for my recycled ammo tins, should be helpful to locate all the hardware quicker.

Then there is this picture I found in a book on my holidays, very interesting drive arrangement!

 and then there's this goofball!
My last day of holidays handle-bar mo.
(I'm not normally cross-eyed though)

Thanks for tuning in folks!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A New Year

Welcome to 2013.

2013 kicks off with a few weeks at home with the family and plenty of time to tinker in the garage.

About a year ago I started to build a work bench (when am I not building another bench?) and the bench was to be for jigging up my welding work, just small stuff at the moment.

So the design for this bench has been covered before but now it's got closer to completion.

Here's the 10mm plate steel top, getting drilled full of holes.
The purpose of all these holes, 78 in total is to give me a grid pattern of bolt holes to anchor my jobs to the bench.

The purpose of all these holes, 78 in total is to give me a grid pattern of bolt holes to anchor my jobs to the bench.

The clamps used for this application are normally found on milling tables and drill presses but they'll do just fine for what I want.

While I was at it I realised that my welding machine was gonna be to close to the floor once my bench was done so made it a new trolley. Nothing special but room for gloves and helmets to keep 'em off the floor.