Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hey hey hey, so now that the workshop update is well, uh, updated, lets have a look at some of the stuff I've been toying with.

Here's a tall bike that I built out of discarded bikes, maybe one day I'll try and ride it.

 and here is Old Man Cuthbert's billy cart that came to me with a wooden front axle and some of the scariest steering I've ever seen, not to mention the cut down lawn chair for a seat? 

Since it came into the workshop I've made a front axle and steering hubs, side bars onto the frame, welded on the rear axle and set it square and equal length either side, the seat is a cut down school room chair with a steel frame under welded to the centre frame.

Old Man Cuthbert came over a few weekends ago and we completed the steering links and then he took it for a spin down the street, here's a vid.

So I've not been round these here parts for a while now, but now I'm back and ready to starting posting whats been happening in the workshop.

Since my last post I've learnt to walk right again, I'm back at work and back working in the garage.

I started building workbench No. 2 over christmas, yes I know that was six months ago but it's all nearing completion now. Some how along the way a 3rd bench got made aswell - it's a island bench that hides under the left bench. 

Here's some pics.

Still got a bit of painting to do and a 2nd backboard to make but the workbench has grown heaps in the last 6 months. Also our dog Signal has grown a lot in the last 6 months, being a Great Dane I expect she'll get a bit bigger yet.

Some sweet features include:
 Stainless steel benchtops - Aw yeah so easy to clean

A sweet vintage Phillips amplifier to get dem tunes cranking out into the street.

Ah Black Coffee beer from the Burleigh Brewing company. Damn fine drinkage.

And hidden in the end of the 3rd bench that rolls under the left banch in the top photo is 9 recycled ammo tins, packed full of nuts, bolts, screws, washers, pool balls, etc.